We live in an era when a very specific phenomenon is occuring. People from the so-called Baby Boomer generation (or post-war generation) are still actively participating in the labor market and at same time Generation Y is already reaching its most productive age. Thus, up to four generations can meet at the same workplace at the same time. Each of these generations experienced a different period, was influenced by different events in the world, different technological progress, shaped by different social influences. As a result, each generation has different characteristics and values. This is an unprecedented situation that brings many unexpected challenges, potential conflicts or clashes. If such a situation is not managed, an unpleasant work environment can be created, employees may experience more stress or in the worst cases termination of an employment.
Project INSPIRER – „Inclusive workplaces for senior workers“ is the result of international cooperation and brings the response to employer´s need to address these issues. The aim of the project is to eliminate age discrimination in the workplace, not only for older employees, but also for younger ones. By training corporate managers, it´s aim is to support the creation of inclusive workplaces for all employees, to show that productive multigenerational culture is feasible and to enhance better understanding between different generations of employees.
Based on this, the implementation of the project includes the creation of a training program for multigenerational culture in the workplace, an e-learning platform, a 360º evaluation tool for multigenerational culture in the workplace and mutual reverse mentoring. Managers of multigenerational companies will have training on how to manage such workplaces. The intention is to teach employees to draw on each other's knowledge and experience through reverse mentoring.
The project is implemented in five countries of the European Union, namely Slovakia (TUKE and ASTRA), Hungary (TREBAG), Greece (IDEC and OBES), Luxembourg (CCIL) and Germany (VHS).
Project number: 2020-1-SK01-KA204-078253
Homepage: Be an Inspirer