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Lifelong Learning means that learning should take place at all stages of life cycle and, embedded in all life contexts from the school to the workplace, the home and the community. The learning society therefore, is the vision of a society where there are recognized opportunities for learning for every person wherever they are and however old they should be. It is the continuous building of skills and knowledge during one's life that occurs through experienced lifetime.

DISCUSS brings together people, who on the background of their professional or civic activities are concerned with questions on lifelong learning, with a view to learn from each other, share good practice and make lifelong learning for all reality.


DISCUSS Community

Knowledge Sharing

Learning from each other with a view to improving education practice

Project Collaboration

Public and private spaces for project collaboration

Sharing project results

Share project news and results with the community and beyond


“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”

John Dewey


Member Blog

septembre 12, 2024

AI-TEACH - Artificial Intelligence for primary school teachers

by Magdalena Chmielewska

AI-teach - Artificial Intelligence for primary school teachers is a 1 year Cooperation Partnership project in School Education (KA220-SCH) funded under the Erasmus+ Programme. The main project objective is to improve the understanding of the potential challenges and opportunities related…

396 hits

septembre 02, 2024

IGIFU Project: Bridging Generations Through Digital Learning

by Sofia Mastrokoukou

In a world where technology evolves at lightning speed, it's easy for some to feel like they have been left behind. What's IGIFU All About? Imagine a world where your grandma rocks social media better than you do. Sounds far-fetched?…

619 hits

août 29, 2024

Powerdynamics, an underestimates aspect of working with youth?

by Manon van Leeuwen

Are you a professional working with youth, e.g. educator, coach, psychologist, psychotherapist, counsellor, facilitator, social worker or trainer of an organisation active in youth work? Then you should be aware about the role of power dynamics and understanding how Power, Empowerment, Accountability…

378 hits

août 07, 2024

Maximizing Potential through PROUD project: Support your Business with Next-Gen Mentorship

by Zoe Batsi

Welcome to our innovative Erasmus + project, PROUD, that aims to revolutionize mentorship and skill development for young adults, particularly those belonging to Gen Y &  Z. The project aims to provide a mentorship program tailored to their requirements, focused…

826 hits

août 07, 2024

Re-set the trend for a circular fashion education: the Re-fashionable project

by L

The Re-fashionable project is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims to develop skills and tools that will revolutionize the fashion industry and enhance its sustainability. The activities of the project benefit fashion and VET school trainers and students, fashion companies…

540 hits

juin 27, 2024

Potential Sectors for Harnessing the Power of 3D Printing for Deaf Entrepreneurs and how to navigate…

by Anna

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has revolutionised traditional manufacturing methods by enabling the fabrication of intricate objects directly from digital designs, thus eliminating the need to outsource production. Initially regarded primarily as a solution for rapid prototyping during…

1771 hits

juin 24, 2024

Developing Engaging European Pleasure Learning: DEEP learning in a nutshell

by Irene

The DEEP Learning project addresses the urgent need for teachers to adopt innovative teaching methodologies, a necessity underscored by the pandemic-induced school lockdowns. This initiative supports teachers in effectively engaging students by facilitating the sharing of exemplary practices and providing…

1345 hits

juin 13, 2024

B-Glocal- Learning resources on climate change to empower adult learners from local and global approaches

by Media Creativa

The climate challenge and its effects, increasingly evident in our daily lives, demand action at all levels. Despite the direct impact felt by everyone, EU data indicates a declining trend in individual responsibility towards climate action. The Special Eurobarometer on…

1458 hits

juin 11, 2024

3D4DEAF: Work Inclusion and Innovation with 3D Printing

by Istituto dei Sordi di Torino

Abstract: 3D4DEAF, an Erasmus+ project, promotes job inclusion and entrepreneurship for deaf individuals through 3D printing and digitization. It provides accessible resources and facilitates international networking to connect students, youth, trainers, and entrepreneurs.   The world of work is often…

1245 hits

juin 10, 2024

Centres of excellence to support the innovation potential of education

by Nina

The rapid progress and ever-changing environment in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector is creating strong pressure for the development of new skills and innovation. However, current VET programmes often fail to keep pace with these changes. So how…

1111 hits

avril 29, 2024

SIEMdig “Social Inclusion and Emotional Maturity of the Society's youngest participants helped by digitally competent teachers”

by Istituto dei Sordi di Torino

SIEMdig “Social Inclusion and Emotional Maturity of the Society's youngest participants helped by digitally competent teachers”   SIEMdig, is a European project, co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ KA220-SCH Program, with an implementation period of two years (01…

5662 hits

février 06, 2024

SwitchOff - Supporting worker's well being during remote work

by Magdalena Chmielewska

During a typical workday people engage in a variety of activities such as arranging meetings, checking emails and so on. Such activities require mental effort and prolonged engagement in such activities can lead to psychological and physiological reactions consequently generating…

3317 hits


“If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow.”


DISCUSS has been developed with support of the European Union. The European Commission support for the production of this platform does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

The DISCUSS platform has been evaluated by independent experts of the European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Here's what the evaluators say about us: 


Global Score

"Very good - DISCUSS addresses the criterion with all aspects of high quality"


"The website is precisely designed, allowing for efficient application of beneficiaries"


"A rich variety of tools
for asynchronous and
synchronous communication"


"An efficient and multi-functional tool
for disseminating and valorising
project results"