PARTICIPATE - Participatory Methods in Adult Education

PARTICIPATE - Participatory Methods in Adult Education

Building a model for participatory design of learning outcomes


Attention ESD enthusiasts, teachers and trainers:
Are you already familiar with the ESD-Competency-Framework for adult education?

It was developed in the "5P Competences" project and can now be used for free by all interested persons, e.g. in their function as trainers.

You can find more information on the ESD competency framework and exciting contributions on the topic of ESD/adult education in the "5P - Sustainability Competences in Adult Education" group:…

Come in and join the group!

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Randolph und 2 Andere liked Gruppe vor 3 Jahren

Adult education and learners' participation

Adult learning or andragogy as framed by its founders has as core element, the active participation of learners. This short video presents the theoretical ba...

Natassa hat eine neue Diskussion gepostetvor 4 Jahren

Emotions in learning

The way adults learn is different from children and there is a need to take that in consideration, to improve the process of teaching and learning in adult education. Malcom Knowles describe adult education as the art and science helping adults to learn. Adults learn better from experience, they favour a pragmatic approach and must be able to apply to solve specific problem, they are interested in learn things immediate relevant, they need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction. Jonava Adult and Youth Education Centre, located in a small town in Lithuania, is implementing the project “Improving Adult Education” under Erasmus+ programme. The aim of the project is to strengthen staff competencies which could help to develop learners' social emotional skills, improve feedback and modernise the activities of the Centre. The project takes in consideration a lot the emotional intelligence, the importance between emotions and emotions of others (source:...

PARTICIPATE - Participatory Methods in Adult Education


Presentation of the methodology used for researching opinions of adult educators, regarding the active involvement of learners in the definition and evaluati...

FOCUS GROUP methodology

Focus group is one of the core research methods used to collect qualitative data to answer research questions. The video presents the method of focus group i...

Adult education and learners' participation

Adult learning or andragogy as framed by its founders has as core element, the active participation of learners. This short video presents the theoretical ba...

Presentation of PARTICIPATE project

PARTICIPATE project aims to promote participatory methods in adult education and, more specifically it will build a model for participatory design of learnin...

Randolph Thanks Natassa vor 4 Jahren
Randolph Will include it in the website vor 4 Jahren
Randolph Natassa's Video vor 4 Jahren

Presentation of PARTICIPATE project

PARTICIPATE project aims to promote participatory methods in adult education and, more specifically it will build a model for participatory design of learnin...

Michael Randolph - we have many projects and many researchers in adult education who use such methods, and could provide many examples. Nowadays most of our work in funded by the UK government with global south partners rather in EC-funded schemes, but much may be still of relevance. vor 4 Jahren

The project homepage is online now. Please note that this version is for desktop computers / notebooks only. We are currently producing the mobile version, which will be available in a few days. Hope you like it.

Moreover, over the next weeks we will expand the website with information about ongoing project activities, and results achieved so far. So, stay tuned.


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Graham Attwell its very pretty Randolf - congratulations vor 4 Jahren
Eduardo I am very much interested to partifcipate in this activity since I have developed a proposal to ERASMUS+ concerning the Promotion of Innovation adult education practices in Some Regions of 4 European countries in which the project will be conducted in starting in March of 2021. vor 4 Jahren

Two key principles of such methods are: learning about things that matter and learning by exposure to different perspectives. By focusing on what matters to individuals, instead of teaching a predefined and fixed model of culture, learners are encouraged to interact with others to explore their identity and the context of their own cultural group, which already holds different perspectives. Consequently, through encounters with locals and exposure to habits and language of the receiving country, other perspectives will challenge the learning process even more.

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