competences on agricultural innovations and management
Agricultural Alliance for Competence and Skills based Training (ACT project) aims to establish a strong connection between a sizable ecosystem: job seekers, job providers and training opportunities, in the agriculture sector, such there is a demand of qualified employees and a weak connection among job providers, job seekers and training programs. At this point, ACT aims at establishing and sustaining an Alliance for competences and skills based vocational education and training (VET) in agriculture. The motivation behind this, is to respond to the demand for lifelong-learning in the agricultural sector, facing environmental (Climate change and biodiversity loss), economic, social and territorial challenges, as well as EU directive reforms (Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)).
ACT Mission is to support and improve farming business by developing tools for defining competences on agricultural innovations and management. Consequently, ACT vision is to help the farming business to face current and future challenges, by providing innovative tools and establishing competence based vocational education
and training in agriculture. Taking these into account, ACT main scope is to improve the competitiveness of European farming.

The PACT Framework (matching emerging job profiles and existing training opportunities) showed a valuable approach to linking of training opportunities and units of training to learning outcomes, the expression of job profiles through the use of competence descriptions and the generation of personal profiles of achieved learning outcomes and competences; folder Developing skills and transversal key competences, bridging the world of work