Mentoring Between Teachers in Secondary and High Schools

MENTORING is the tool of staff improvement in which the experienced worker agrees to take the responsibility and agrees to help to build a relationship and to facilitate the professional growth of one or more colleagues. The idea behind the MENTOR project is to adapt and use this tool for induction and development of a specific group of workers – the teachers.

“We encountered the benefits of mentoring in adult education with other projects that the members of our consortium implemented” explained a representative of the MENTOR project. “Also, we are aware that in the countries like the USA or New Zealand there are well-developed programs of teachers mentoring that can be good practice for us to deliver a model adjusted to national and European contexts”.

The MENTOR project is designed to prepare teachers experienced in their profession to become mentors for beginning teachers. Moreover, school leaders, other teachers and personnel in secondary and high schools, and last but not least – students - can also benefit from the mentoring program, which is supposed to result in improvements in efficiency of teaching, students’ achievement and teachers’ job satisfaction.

These aims will be achieved by providing the teachers, who have worked long in their profession, with the knowledge and skills needed to become the mentors for beginning teachers. The model of mentoring between teachers will be elaborated on the basis of the desk and questionnaires researches and tested by the teachers in their schools through the whole school year. The model will include trainings for teachers who will become mentors.

The MENTOR project outputs include a complete HANDBOOK for "The method (model) of mentoring between teachers in secondary and high schools" and the TRAINING KIT for Training the Trainers. 

Stay tunned for further information at the project website ( and facebook ( We´ll be happy to receive your feedback.

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