“Employment Perspective for Migrants and Refugees” is a new community of practice, that is addressed mainly to persons who provide support to migrants and refugees in relation to employment, education and training, as well as to stakeholders active in the topics of education and employment for migrants and refugees.
The community is developed in the framework of the Erasmus+ project “PERSPECTIVE - Providing Employment Perspective to Migrants and Refugees through Capacity Building of Guidance Counselors” carried out by a partnership of various specialist and adult education institutions from France, Greece, Germany and United Kingdom.
As the name suggests, the primary goal of this two-year project is to contribute to the integration of migrants and refugees in the labour market and to ensure that guidance counsellors are skilled in giving good employment support.
We invite all those who are interested to become a member of this community, to create a free account (or login with your FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ account), and join the ‘’Employment Perspective for Migrants and Refugees’’ group.