Boosts resilience in job seekers over 45

The REINICIAL project offers tools for supporting unemployed people +45 years old and educational resources for training professionals who work in outplacement, job insertion and training programs devoted to this collective. The project’s aim is to transfer best practices about labour insertion for workers and professionals over 45 years old that have lost their job: the so called “senior” group.

The project takes as starting point what have been learnt in previous experiences to outplace unemployed senior professional and workers to build on a methodological approach grounded on knowledge about the problems and needs to be addressed in the process of outplace the group of Senior people

Unemployed senior’s specific needs

  • Seniors differ from traditional users of intermediation devices; these services have had to adapt to new unemployed profile due to the economic crisis.
  • Seniors have usually been working their entire live, some times in the same company. It was long ago the last time they have been looking for a new job.
  • They might need updating on their professional skills as well as on their job-searching skills.
  • As a whole, this group have lower qualifications than younger generations
  • In some cases, older workers have difficulties on using ICT and a lack of foreign languages knowledge.
  • They have to adapt to drastic changes in their socio-economic position and live-style.
  • Most of them have family responsibilities. As a result of the economic crisis, +45 are sometimes the main economic pillar of a large family with a lot of members on unemployment.
  • Family duties may also prevent them to move to another country to look for a job.
  • All changes related to their new situation of unemployment require seniors to be capable to face change and boost their resilient capacity.


RENINICIAL methodology

Taking into account the identified needs, REINICIAL methodology seeks to:

  • Adapt the intermediation devices, through a specific methodology for welcoming and follow-up of users.
  • Set tools for detecting psychological risks on senior job seekers.
  • Offer the module “strategies for changing” for senior job seekers.
  • Offer the module “New tools for job searching“ for senior job seekers.
  • Offer a directory of resources for Language self-learning.
  • Give pedagogical tools for training trainers and professionals.



Main results of the REINICIAL PROJECT ARE:

  • Benchmarking report of good practices on Europe on supporting +45 unemployed people to find a job .
  • Psychological care materials
  • New tools for job searching materials
  • Directory of on-line resources for language self-learning
  • Training for trainers materials
  • Pilot modules with senior job seekers in each country.


Project website: REINICIAL