Life transitions are challenging because they force us to let go of the familiar and face the future with a feeling of vulnerability. Most life transitions begin with a string of losses: The loss of a role; person; place or sense of where you 'fit' in the world. TEAL (Transitions into Enterprise for Adult Learners) responds to these challenges which all partners (UK, Spain, Germany) face by providing adult learners with new pathways to re-engage with learning and improve their knowledge and competences to consider making a transition into enterprise e.g. from unemployment or redundancy.
Learning how to manage transitions are useful skills for life. TEAL brings together organisations engaged in informal adult learning to share best practice and experiences as well as 50+ learners to share their experiences and needs. The aim is to help them to re-engage with a love of learning, with a view to make the decision to learn about starting up in business. TEAL focuses on learner participation in addition to teaching methods in adult education; with partners sharing their expertise in teaching older learners, for instance through mentoring, coaching and E-Inclusion tools.
Three interactive workshops will take place throughout the project focusing on topics related to thinking and learning about enterprise as an option for older people across Europe as well as positive interventions to encourage this:
Identifying and tackling barriers: Older learners during transitions Mentoring and coaching to support older learners through transitions into enterprise
E-inclusion for older learners and enterprise: Crossing the digital divide
Furthermore, an online guide will be developed to support trainers in adult learning and 50+ to develop competences and tools to support older learners through transitions, focusing on a transition to enterprise education.
More information is available at: TEAL Project