The MIGRANTS+ project aims at developing lifelong learning opportunities for adult emigrants in basic skills, developing the skills of training staff, administrative staff, who frequently deal with migrants, support staff of NGOs how to facilitate personal development and enhance the learning opportunities of migrants, enhance active participation of migrants in the host societies as equal members and preventing their marginalisation.
MIGRANTS+ has adapted and further developed the software tool produced by the FIL Leonardo project, which detects learning needs in basic skills such as numeracy, ict, use of internet, communication skills, human relations, occupational health and proposes users individualised training curricula. It has developed tests (pools of questions and respective set of curricula) for further skills, as language literacy (CZ, DE, EL, FR, IT, PL, TR), legislation (civil rights, employment laws and social security), knowledge of the culture of hosting country.
Additional activities undertaken within the project are:
- training of trainers, mediators and support staff on how to assess basic skills and competencies of adult emigrants and their learning needs by using the FIL software tool.
- piloting of the results with groups of migrants in 6 countries (CZ, DE, IT, PL, TR, UK) to detect points to improve and finalise the product.
Runtime: 2008 - 2010
Program Scheme: Lifelong Learning Program of the European Union
Sub-Program: Grundtvig
Website: Empower Migrants+