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The main objective of the App.Mod.E. Project is to give entrepreneurial skills to students who are doing their apprenticeships. The entrepreneurial mind-set is not a personal skill, but it can be developed through learning and experience. The App.Mod.E provides methodological support and practical tools to trainers, in order to include entrepreneurial skills in the learning design of apprenticeships.
Lade Inhalt, bitte warten...Our community is dedicated to the development of creativity and innovation, and the way this could be achieved through education & training.
Competitiveness of European economy requires citizens and particularly young people to be innovative, creative, flexible and courageous to face challenges in a dynamic and volatile economy. The optimum method to approach students and provide them the chance to develop an entrepreneurial spirit is work-based learning and especially apprenticeship, however, apprenticeships are focused on the specific vocational skills, required in the specialization and not on the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills.
Filling this gap, the App.Mod.E. project wants to develop an apprenticeship model for the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills by students in upper secondary and higher vocational education and training.
App.Mod.E. has been funded with support from the European Commission.……
A proverb says "necessity is the mother of invention". But, is that really so? At least insights from recent research into creativity seem to suggest that inventiveness rather than need, stems from opportunity.
If you should have received this message twice, it's just because you're member of both groups, learning cities and creativity | innovation. So, it's no mistake
A quick tip:
the 4th Campus Party CPEU4 is currently taking place in Netherlands (25-29 May). Roughly half a million people from all over ther world are participating in the event, which in a quite new way connects different pathways to creativity and innovation.
You can follow hundreds of speakers on stage, workshops, and challenges (extra sessions to taking discussion results to action) via live stream.
Have a nice day
Looking for ideas on supporting creativity to complement reflection and professional identity change as part of the EmployID project. Will share my results with the group but any ideas would be welcome!
Georgiana now is group admin
Our community is dedicated to the development of creativity and innovation, and the way this could be achieved through education & training.
Freitag, 13. März 2015 14:51 von Georgiana Giba