Validation of Prior Learning

Validation of Prior Learning

Validation of non-formal and informal Learning


Randolph - updated die Gruppe, Validation of Prior Learning


NOKUT launches a new recognition service for people with higher education qualifications from the Nordic countries who wish to work or study in Norway. Applicants can now download a standardized recognition statement for each of the Nordic countries that details the higher education qualifications that are automatically recognized by NOKUT, and how each qualification compares with Norwegian qualifications. The statement is immediately available for use in job and university applications. (Thanks to Isabell Gru for sharing this interesting blog post on Facebook)

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Isabell Gru und 60 Andere ist / sind der Gruppe Validation of Prior Learning beigetreten. vor 7 Jahren


Validation is a hot topic. I take part in many fora where this is being debated, says Ingegerd Green, CEO for Swedish Skärteknikcentrum AB.

One of the conclusions in the Nordic report on competence in a labour market perspective, is that the competence challenge exists on three levels which are all linked. Companies must take skills provision seriously by getting better at working strategically and structurally with skills development, and not waiting until the need arises – which is often the case today.

Individual workers must also take responsibility and think “what should my lifelong learning entail?” And last but not least, there is a need for a national competency policy with a competency policy strategy.

We need a far more holistic approach and cooperation in order to make the skills provision system work in a labour market perspective.

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3rd my-VITA award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe

Erasmus+ partnership PROMOTE is looking for projects and activities in all educational fields (from school to higher education, vocational training, adult learning, youth, volunteering and mobility projects etc.) that promote the development of competences in a holistic way and include practical cases on how learning outcomes and competence developments within this specific competence area can be assessed and evidenced also beyond the walls of formal education.

Final submission date: August 15th 2016

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New from ELM, the European lifelong learning magazine: A European project “AVA” seeks to improve national validation systems through a set of research-based recommendations. Project staff say validation is moving forward because of an increased recognition of non-formal and informal learning.

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This new study gives an overview of the current state of play / debate on the validation and recognition of informal and non-formal learning in Germany.

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EUCIS-LLL proposes 5 key success factors for the implementation of VNIL:

1. Long-term and sustainable strategies for validation
2. Overcoming resistance: towards a cultural shift
3. Reaching out to disadvantaged group
4. Guidance, counseling and information
5. The EU’s role in a successful implementation of VNIL

Download link: www.discuss-community.eu/library/all-documents/val…

Latest Upload: Connecting Learning across School and Out-of-School Contexts: A Review of Pedagogical Approaches


Carme ROYO und 2 Andere liked Gruppe vor 9 Jahren

VALERU addresses the validation of non-formal/informal learning in Higher Education in Russia, with a focus on learning outcomes from professional experience (work based learning), a key approach for supporting LLL (Lifelong Learning). The project is funded within Tempus as a national structural measure and is based on a strong cooperation between European and Russian HEIs & HE networks leading in the field of validating of non-formal/informal learning as well as networks of SME and professional associations.
VALERU collected Best Practices in VNIL in Europe, has produced a set of Guidelines, Procedures and Methods, which have helped the Russian partners to design their own standards.
More information about this project and access to the tools can be found at www.valeru.eu

VALERU addresses the validation of non-formal/informal learning in Higher Education in Russia, with a focus on learning outcomes from professional experience (work based learning), a key approach for supporting LLL (Lifelong Learning). The project is funded within Tempus as a national structural measure and is based on a strong cooperation between European and Russian HEIs & HE networks leading in the field of validating of non-formal/informal learning as well as networks of SME and professional associations.<br />VALERU collected Best Practices in VNIL in Europe, has produced a set of Guidelines, Procedures and Methods, which have helped the Russian partners to design their own standards.<br />More information about this project and access to the tools can be found at www.valeru.eu
Randolph Would be interested in the final results of this exciting project. vor 9 Jahren
Carme ROYO We will make sure we share them with the DICUSS community vor 9 Jahren

Munich workshop

Munich workshop


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Pros and Cons of informal learning - the importance of informal learning at work from an economic point of view.


2nd European Award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe.

We are a group of partners that for more than 10 years have been working in EU projects dealing with competence oriented learning and validation. We would like to know in how far learning projects already tackle the theme of competence oriented learning and validation or how they could cope with it in future.

We are looking for innovative projects and activities in all educational fields (from school to higher education, vocational training, adult learning, youth, volunteering and mobility projects etc.) that promote the development of social, personal and organisational competences (SPOC) in an innovative way and include practical cases or at least ideas on how learning outcomes and competence developments within this specific competence area can be assessed and evidenced also beyond the walls of formal education.


True indeed Ciprian. A recently completed project profiled here (www.discuss-community.eu/validation-of-informal-le…) attempted to examine both of these barriers (supply and demand if you like) from the learner perspective. When talking to us about competences and how they may be validated, learners across all 6 countries articulated a growing frustration that they were not being encouraged or facilitated to think outside of a very top-down formal set of criteria, affecting their decision-making about where they intended to go next.

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I also agree, but there are two perspectives of the story: the barriers described by Sarah are mainly focused on provision of (higher education) services and there is so much to discuss on the barriers related to the demand for these services...

Agree with every word. Guess you refer to the last five minutes of the presentation, when she suggests to encourage students to declare missions, rather than majors. Indeed, this would allow for a completely different perspective on learning and its validation.

Paul hat eine neue Diskussion gepostetvor 10 Jahren

Turning students into "really excellent sheep"

While Sarah Stein Greenberg's work at WIRED by Design is primarily focused on the higher education sector, there are many interesting dimensions that are relevant to our attempts at re-imagining learning and how we may validate it. This talk is well worth a look thescene.com/watch/wired/wxd-radical-ideas-for-rei…

Validation of Prior Learning