Marketing Principles in the Agricultural Sector

Farm Inc. addresses the issue of competiveness at farm level and aims to strengthen the competitiveness of agricultural SMEs as well as to improve the quality of continuous vocational training and the acquisition of skills for the agricultural sector. More specifically, Farm Inc. introduces the concept of an innovative marketing strategy to the agricultural community (farmers and farmer associations) in order to increase the bargaining power of small producers in the existing food chain and to open new market possibilities.

farm inc poster

Therefore, the Farm Inc consortium developed a specific tool that offers training in branding, marketing and internationalisation, which is tailor-made to the needs of small farmers and farmer associations in Greece, Italy, Belgium and Latvia. The main beneficiaries of this project are small farmers, agricultural entrepreneurs and their associations who produce local, high quality products, but lack the know-how to use sound marketing principles for the promotion of their products.

The training tool has been presented and tested; 21 pilot events have been organized in Greece, Italy, and Latvia with a total of 304 participants, and their comments were very positive, while the vast majority expressed their interest in further involvement with the training material. Moreover, the Farm Inc results have been presented to relevant stakeholders in Greece, Italy, Belgium, and Latvia through Infodays and Roundtable discussions, while the final conference was held within Expo Milan 2015.

Project Reference: 2013-1-IT1-LEO05-03986
Action: Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Projects – Transfer of Innovation
Project duration: 24 months (1/10/2013 – 30/9/2015)
Applicant/Co-ordinator: University of Macerata
Further information: Dr. Alessio Cavicchi Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.