Training Innovation Competences

The TIM project develops an on-line collaborative learning environment to develop creativity among workers in the metal industry so that they will be the drivers of the introduction of innovation in the metalworking companies. The steel industry is one of the key sectors at European level, not only for being one of the main generators of employment, but also for being one of the most profitable of all European manufacturing industries. This is recognized by the Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission in its publication “Spotlight on Europe’s invisible sector”, pointing to Germany followed by Italy, France, UK and Spain as the largest producers.

However, the sector is not free of problems, exacerbated by the global economic crisis being faced. Among them, the need to improve the skills of its workers and deploy skills related to creativity and innovation that result in improved business competitiveness. The TIM project is co-financed by the European Union through the Lifelong Learning Programme and is the result of collaboration of organizations from 6 countries: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland and Greece.


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Main results

Main project results are available in English, Spanish, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Greek languages, and include:

1- Study portfolio for self-study and training: training on creativity to drive innovation in the metalworking sector.

2- Virtual Learning Environment (VLT) where workers learn in a collaborative and informal environment.


Runtime: 10/2013-10/2015

Program Scheme: Lifelong Learning Programme

Sub-program: Leonardo Da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation

Project reference: 2013-1-ES1-LEO05-66260

Promoter: Fundación Formetal / Coordinator: INVESLAN

Virtual Learning Environment: Tim Platform

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