International Workshop on AI in Education and Educational Research
Oct 19

International Workshop on AI in Education and Educational...

Applying AI methods in education, interdisciplinary exchange on the use of AI in education


Applying AI methods in education, interdisciplinary exchange on the use of AI in education

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53 Bonn, Germany

  • Scope of Workshop

    This workshop has two distinct foci with the aim of facing the field of AI in education in a wider manner. The first one is more technical, focused on the issues of applying AI methods in education, while the second will open up to a more interdisciplinary perspective, including social and educational perspectives of the use of AI in education.
    A (social science-led) discussion about the real issues in education that AI-enabled applications might help address

    This includes the study of educational and teaching AI, but also social sciences, economics, and humanities, including all subjects such as education and teaching in action, labor market research with a focus on educational needs, history of education and related cultural heritage of education, as well as informative predictions for decision making and behavioral science perspectives. On the one hand, we focus on the connections between AI, education, and society. This includes quantitative and qualitative research, data science methods for analyzing education and labor market data, AI approaches for recommender systems, and digitized learning. On the other hand, we focus on how AI can be used to push the boundaries of the field. This includes developing new methods (including methods using AI), finding and making accessible new data sources, enriching data, and more. In both cases, it is essential that the different perspectives communicate and understand each other, which is also one of the goals of this workshop.

    More broadly, we are interested in how AI methods affect all areas of education, as well as businesses and labor markets. This includes approaches to how all sectors of education, from primary to tertiary, are affected by and respond to AI methods. The design of digitalized futures with AI methods raises several questions for education: At the broadest level, legislative and normative questions; at the level of companies, questions about investment decisions and how to maintain productivity and their workforces; at the level of individuals, questions about qualifications and which skills need to be applied and possibly learned anew. Skills and qualifications are thus at the heart of AI in education and educational research.
    A (computer science-led) discussion about what AI-enabled applications might be developed (and how) to address the issues raised in Part 1.

    The use of AI-based systems to support teaching or learning has been developing for more than four decades, but its rise has increased markedly in recent years, due to the increase in the use of e-learning tools during the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent explosion of generative AI. We are at a key moment of development in this field, in which experts in AI and experts in education must join forces to achieve an optimal use of this technology in teaching and learning processes. This workshop aims to create a space for the presentation of new proposals and the reflection on the state of the art in this field of such social relevance. In this first part, we are especially interested on the technical aspects of AI, focusing on the specific techniques used for content creation (generative AI), student profiling (machine learning), learning analytics or explainable AI methods for teacher’s dashboards. The aim is to provide a clear picture of the type of approach followed in the scope of education, and its particularities.
    Topics of Interest

    The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:

    •   AI techniques applied to education
            Explainable AI,
            Application of generative AI in educational setups,
            Multimodal learning analytics,
            AI techniques and models in analyzing the educational data
            Intelligent tutoring systems
            Intelligent learning/e-learning systems
            Student profiling for personalized learning
            AI-based apps and simulations
            AI to support learners with disabilities
            Automatic formative assessment
            Dialogue-based tutoring systems
            Exploratory learning environments
            Classroom monitoring tools
            Teacher focused apps
            Automatic assessment systems
    •  AI approaches for the interdisciplinary work on education in the science of education, social sciences, economics, and humanities: report on theoretical, methodological, experimental, and applied research, experience reports and tools containing theoretical aspects of AI, program curations for (vocational) education or at schools and universities, and the ethical issues of the education with AI

    • AI for linking data from different digital resources for educational research, including online social networks, web and data mining, Knowledge Graphs, Ontologies.

    • AI methods for text mining and textual analysis, for example texts within social sciences, digital literacy studies, computational stylistics and stylometry.

    Further information:

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  • Catégorie
    International event
  • Date et heure
    Oct 19 2024 à 08:15 - Oct 20 2024 à 14:00 Europe/Berlin
  • Emplacement et adresse complète
    BIBB Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Bonn, Germany
  • Administrateurs de l'événement