corporate volunteering training

The CV Plus project aims to build a bridge between the world of business and education through Corporate Volunteering initiatives. It was designed to train managers from companies and educational centers, employees and teachers, in the development and management of this type of programs. CV PLUS is a Strategic Partnership, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the ERASMUS + Program.

Once the platform development phase is completed, CV PLUS counts on a prototype that is being simultaneously tested in 6 European countries: Spain, Finland, Germany, Poland, Belgium and Italy. Through this process, representatives from both the business and educational worlds are assessing the available results with the main objective of improving their quality.

The CV PLUS platform offers the following results:

  1. The Legal Framework of Corporate Volunteering in Europe and the participating countries,
  2. A compilation of Good Practices of Corporate Volunteering.
  3. Methodological guides for companies and educational centers,
  4. Online training for companies and educational centers aimed at all those interested in implementing Corporate Volunteer programs.

The available languages are: Spanish, Basque, English, German, Italian and Polish.

We invite you to visit the CVPLUS Platform, and contribute with your opinion.

More information: info (at)