Recognition of prior learning in public administrations

The objectives of the VOW+IPLM project are to exchange best practice in the validation of informal learning, to develop transferable competence standards to be used when validating individuals against job standards, and to develop an innovative tool "E-evaluation Platform" for the validation of competences acquired at work place and give to each beneficiary the possibility to build an individual further career by lifelong learning.


Exchange of best practice in the recognition and validation of informal learning contexts; improving the quality of validation of non-formal and informal learning process by transferring the innovative model for recognizing competencies acquired in the work place, developed by the pilot project "The Value of Work (VOW)"; raising attractiveness of VET in participating countries by giving to each person a complete overview of his skills which can have a good impact on them and their decision to continuing to learn and training.


  • Identification of best practices/ innovative methods in evaluation and validation of competencies from partners countries that together with the innovative method of VOW project will be used for development of innovative validation methodology;
  • development of "Innovative methodology of validation" describing the methods and tools for evaluation and validation to transfer the results of previous project - transferable competence standards, methods and tools for validating competencies acquired in the work place, transferable between sectors, as good practice to other 6 countries: Romania, Spain, Poland, Germany and Turkey;
  • to develop new transferable competence standards to be used when validating individuals against job standards (we will consider the public administration sector as initial and the transfer sectors will be selected as most suitable for each participant country);
  • to adapt the existing methods and tools for the new sectors and developing new ones for other economical sectors that will be selected by each participant country (such as services, elderly care in the Romanian case);
  • to developing an innovative tool "E- evaluation Platform" for evaluation of competencies acquired at work place and give to each beneficiary the possibility to build an individual further career by lifelong learning. The E- Platform will be an on-line applications build on the principles ECVET adapted for competencies acquired to the work place allowing in this way recognition of competencies within the EU and stimulating mobility of workers between sectors in their country or in another EU Member State.

Runtime: 2012 - 2014
Program Scheme: Lifelong Learning Program of the European Union
Sub-Program: Leonardo da Vinci
Promoter: INCSMPS The Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection, Romania