Livestream on Digital Inclusion and E-Learning

While digital divide and digital literacy have entered into common use the term digital inclusion is still quite new. The term describes a number of interrelated concepts, such as widening access to digital technology and services, the acquisition of digital competencies and literacies necessary to make smart use of technologies and services, empowering people in using technology for both, self-determined life and as means to participate in society.

The Erasmus+ strategic partnership UPTAKE ICT is promoting actions, at national and international scale with the purpose of strengthening digital inclusion through building contents, digital instruments and analyzing the impact of ICT in a global world.

It pays special attention to learners of various ages that have never used Internet (lifelong learning) and with disadvantaged backgrounds (educational difficulties, social and geographical constraints). And it aims to help people facing the present process of civilizational change (social, political, economic, and cultural) and, consequently, to shape the needs of future generations.

The project partners will organize a multiplier event, taking place at Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém , Portugal on 31rd May 2016.

In the course of the event results and experience from current initiatives on digital inclusion will be presented and discussed, such as „digital competences“, the Italian program of action-research and educational activities in e-learning , TIC & Sociedade, the national network for the promotion of Digital Inclusion and Literacy in Portugal and, e-learning initiatives promoted by Aberta University for Distant Learning, Lisbon, Portugal. Further presentations have been announced from UK and Germany. A livestream in English language will available on the internet from 9:00 - 11:00 CET. Link to Livestream:

Live stream:

Maria Potes Barbas (Instituto Politecnico de Santarém, Portugal): Uptake_ICT 2life-cycle | Digital literacy and inclusion to learners with disadvantaged background

Isabel Barros Dias Elearning (University Aberta Lisbon, Portugal): E-Learning | Reality in Portugal

Paulo Branco (Instituto Politecnico de Santarém, Portugal): MOOC_ Digitall Literacy
Ricardo Raminhos (Viatecla, Lisbon, Portugal): Presentation of NiceReader Application

Cristina Costa (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK): Digital Literacies | Cultural and social practices in the UK

Randolph Preisinger-Kleine (Praxis und Wissenschaft, Ingolstadt, Germany) Digital literacy as cornerstone of knowledge society. Focal points and initiatives in Germany

Pierpaolo De Luca (CEO DSU, Rome, Italy) Monitoring e-tool for quality in training and evaluation

Moderator: Ana Neves (Uptake_ICT evaluator)


Link to Livestream:


Project website: UptakeICT/