The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a great alternation in the educational systems worldwide, bringing about temporary closures of schools, while digital learning became the new normality. It imposed new ways of teaching, enhancing the importance of digital literacy, the use of technology tools, the resilience of educational procedures and the readiness of educational bodies to offer constancy high-quality teaching, learning and assessment.                                                         

Financed by the Erasmus+ Programme (KA2), the DI2LEARN project aims to strengthen the profiles of teachers, empower and equip them with digital and pedagogical skills, as well as to provide them with the essential tools and resources to meet the challenges of distance and digital teaching and learning. Additionally, the project aims to support students to cope with the new challenges of remote and digital learning and help parents cater to the well-being of their children. Therefore, Di2LEARN project intends to support distance digital learning and teaching by:

  • Backing up schools to develop their own distance learning action plan;
  • Empowering teachers through upskilling and re-skilling opportunities;
  • Develop a capacity building series of workshops both online and offline to support parents role;
  • Support students with study, personal and organisational skills for remote learning

The project directs its findings to three main target groups: Upper Primary & Secondary School teachers, students, parents.

The project consortium is made by representatives of seven organizations from six different European countries, such as Poland, Italy, Spain, Romania, Cyprus, Croatia.

The consortium’s work began by developing the BLUEPRINT REPORT ON TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESING IN THE POST COVID-19 ERA: THE CASE OF FORMAL SCHOOLING as the 1st Intellectual Output of the project. At the same time also an Audit Tool for schools had been prepared, aimed to support schools in identifying needs, strengths, weakness and existing gaps as well as their readiness to offer distance learning for their target groups. Then, as part of the 2nd Intellectual Output a TRIPLE FIRST AID DI2LEARN TOOLKIT, has been developed with the aim to support project target groups to organize, manage, monitor and evaluate distance learning activities. This toolkit includes a Glossary, Training Materials and Podcasts.

In the next months the 3rd and the 4th Intellectual Output will be released. The 3rd one, the VIRTUAL Di2LEARN ACADEMY FOR TEACHERS-STUDENTS-PARENTS, is an interactive platform and a mobile app to support all target groups to make a high-quality shift from face-to-face teaching to distance learning. To have more information about the courses have a look at the VIRTUAL Di2LEARN ACADEMY’s website: Furthermore, as part of the 3rd Intellectual Output the consortium had been prepared motivational tips and quotes that will support students mental health, spirit and concentration through the mobile app. In the 4th one, the Di2LEARN PHSYICAL AND VIRTUAL ACADEMY: GETTING THE NEW Di2LEARN MENTORS READY, the project results will be tested at national level in each partners country, by creating local project academies which will be promoted thanks to national campaigns.

If you want to have further information, please check up the project's website: