With the QUAL4T project seven European partners aim to provide teachers and trainers high quality materials to help them with improving quality in education.
We aim:
- to develop in vocational schools a quality improvement culture, where teachers and trainers are active players
- to transfer quality instruments and best practices and make them available for us
- to connect management and teachers and engage them in quality assurance
The outcomes of the project are:
- A quality guide and a toolkit in six languages, with ready to use instruments for teachers, trainers, quality staff and mentors
- A management brochure
The outcomes of QUAL4T can be used in all sectors, EQF-levels and curricula of professional education.
Moreover, the outcomes can also be used in other educational sectors as in fact Quality Assurance is an important factor in all education systems, including Universities, Adult Education and even Secondary and Primary education.
The partnership consists of 4 VET organizations, 1 University, 1 adult education centre and 1 expertise centre.
Lifelong Learning Program of the European Union
Implementation period: 2013 - 2015
Promoter: Landstede, Netherlands; Website: QUAL4T