best practice

  • Although the phenomenon of cyberbullying is becoming a growing problem among youth and children, yet parents, teachers, youth workers often do not have the knowledge or the necessary tools and methods to deal with it. This is the reason why the DIGEQ consortium collected and developed several educational materials to help parents, teachers, educators and youth workers to handle the situation.

    Therefore, the DIGEQ (Digital Intelligence Growth via Emotional Quality of Youth) project aims to support digital knowledge of youth, the growth of digital intelligence and the so-called teaching of emotional skills for young people.

  • In the face of mounting climate challenges, environmental sustainability has become an urgent priority globally. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and the European Union's Green Deal have placed great emphasis on the role of education in fostering sustainable practices. However, research indicates that Environmental Sustainability (ES) is often implicitly addressed in preschool curricula, with limited focus on the active participation of children as catalysts for change and global citizens. Additionally, there is a lack of pedagogical resources tailored to the needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) students. To address these gaps and cultivate a generation of environmentally-conscious citizens, the GreenGUARDens project endeavors to integrate both Environmental Sustainability (ES) and Green Entrepreneurship (GE) in kindergartens through innovative training and experiential learning.